Yoyogi StationSakai Medical Clinic

1 min walk from
JR Yoyogi Station.


About Us

Hi. Welcome to our clinic.
This is Katsuyuki (Katz) Sakai at the Yoyogi Station Sakai Medical Clinic.
Let me first explain our mission, which is to provide ‘Comprehensive Medical Care’ and ‘Easy Access’.

Comprehensive Medical Care


Comprehensive medical care is, in others words, Jack of all trades or utility doctor. You may have various health problems such as hypertension, allergic rhinitis and athletes’ foot. Should you consult a physician, ENT doctor, and dermatologist, separately? It would be convenient if you can consult all of these problems at the same clinic. In other cases, you may have general fatigue for a couple of weeks but do not know which medical section to go to. Comprehensive medicine takes into account the disorders in all medical fields and tries to figure out the cause.

My Experience as a General Practitioner


I, as a Fellow of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (FJSIM), have practiced entire fields of internal medicine. I have also seen more than 20,000 patients per year, and gained experience not just in Internal Medicine but also in Dermatology, Allergy, Urology and ENT. I, as a General Practitioner, examine your health condition as a whole and try to disentangle multiple medical problems you may have.

Easy Access

Our clinic is also characterized by its Easy Access. It would be convenient if, when you feel sick, you can visit a medical clinic without prior appointment. Easy Access is also important for good clinical practice. It sometimes happens that, after visiting a medical clinic, you may not get better soon, or you may feel sick after taking the prescribed medicine. You want to see the doctor once again to ask for a quick opinion about your health condition. We will welcome your second visit without appointment. The more often you visit our clinic, the more we can understand your body characteristics. As such, Easy Access enables diligent medical practice and tailored medicine specific for you.

Quick Reference to General Hospital

As for disorders requiring specialized investigation and treatment, I will quickly write a reference letter to a general hospital. It is a duty of a General Practitioner to determine the urgency and necessity of consultation to a specialist.

Yoyogi StationSakai Medical Clinic
Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Allergy
1-38-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053
1 min walk from JR Yoyogi Station.
GUIDANCE Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
10:30 ー 14:00
15:30 ー 18:30